A Photo a Day Challenge

I need to set a goal for myself. That usually works to get the creative juices going during the particularly difficult times. And when I say difficult, I really mean all the times when jobs, family, friends, work, house, car etc take up time and energy. Most of the time it is energy gladly given! Energy that I love to spread around everywhere and to everyone else.

Now I know it sounds selfish, self centered and a little whiny! But to tell you the truth, unless I set concrete goals (like being part of a swap, or taking a workshop) I have a hard time working on the many projects that seem to pour forth! It is different if you have young children at home, which I don't any more. Kids need to be part of the energy vortex and they deserve to have attention and all the good things that we can give them.

For me, no excuses. I have a great day job - a little demanding at times but not hellish! I have a super awesome boss and I work hard when I am there. Cause that is the kind of person I am. And I enjoy so many of the people in this company, really nice and friendly. So you see, no complaints there - sorta glad I have it and that it is challenging in a good way.

There is always Mr. Lumberjackman as well. He is so supportive of my creative life! I really like him so we got married about 6 years ago. Its fun cause he is creative too. And we have good talks about creativiy and what it means for each of us.

So here is the challenge - take one photo each day and post it on your blog. Send me the like to your shop - I think it can be your photo for the day! Remember is can be anything - but the key is that you have to say what that particular photo means for you sort of a visual haiku.

For instance - these stones are the beginning of our front garden transformation.

No longer green lawn
Grey stones settle on dark soil
black cats roll in dirt

Fun! Give it a try! Remember to link back so we can see your photo!


  1. You're not selfish! Everyone needs an outlet for sure. I'd love to join you but I do have little kids, lol, so I'll just be reading and looking.


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