Okay, I admit the Summer does seem to be over. . .

For me here in San Diego the light shifts well before it starts to get darker earlier. I notice my shadow and the way that the sunlight brushes the other side of familiar tree trunks. Birds seem more noticeable. Taking a deep breath as though I might have to spend my winter in a musty cave somewhere, and still love it! Fall colors, barren trees, the smell of pine sap and the soft nap of the pine needles - great sensation.

I caught my cat Midnight, rolling in the dirt on one of the last warm evenings, as the light played around him. Enjoy that buddy, soon it will be dark at 4:30! He doesn't really care about that!

Fall also brings a shift in the projects that I work on - aside from the sweet and sinister swap that I am loving, I have been pulling out a few of my extra shadow boxes and updating. The inspiration in blogland is awesome, have fun creating! Thanks to everyone for sharing their process.


  1. Lovely - Autumn isn't really upon us here yet, but the olives are slowly turning in our garden as are the pomegranates.
    Another hidden talent - those shadow boxes look interesting!

    PS I'll let you know when my pressie arrives - we've had postal strikes here

  2. Just to say my pressie arrived today. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! It's my turn to look for something for you now...

  3. I love the shadow boxes! I've always wanted to do something like that but never knew where to start.

    I'm a little blue about the changing seasons. BTW my husband was in your neck of the woods a couple weeks ago for work. He says it's beautiful!



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