There seems to be more and more stuff accumulating at the studio! How is that possible? Well, it's not only the constant hunting at thrift stores (how I wish there were more estate sales in San Diego - I am green with envy all you Midwest folks), but people give me things, like cool old books, boxes of sheet music, old magazines and cigar boxes!
I put together some really great pages from books that I have found and that have been donated to me! It's a big pack and I will be posting them in my shop. Great imagination boosters!

I only have enough of these sweet trims to offer two in the
shop - I am tempted to keep one and use it in some really cool projects that I saw in the most recent edition of
ArtQuiltingStudio by
Stampington & Company. There are some lovely projects and easy step-by-step directions. I always find something super special in the various magazines that they publish.
One of my favorite people,
Julie Collings, has a particularly touching article in this issue, about how healing hand sewing is in her life - I owe a lot to Julie and
Candice Elton! They hosted the
Art Nest Retreat I attended last year which changed my life, and how I look at art making. It also introduced me to many creative women artists and expanded my world from the confines of studio time.
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