Summer Thrift Store Treasures

I'm sure that over time I will get in the habit of writing more often. I was writing every morning in a journal so I know that I can do it.

I enjoy writing and posting pictures, so what gets in the way? Same old things, really. Time in front of the telly with hubby (we do love our movies from netflix); the day job (even though I love it, it still takes the whole day!) and there is the time that I look forward to working on my Etsy site. Plus, I REALLY love going to thrift stores.
This Bingo game is vintage 1970's - and all the pieces are there. In fact I had to open the original packaging in order to photograph it. I LOVE the colors and how crazy the word BINGO is!!

Some times, as I am combing the shelves at the local haunts, I am blown away by the sheer adventure of finding that next treasure. Do you love this sweet home-made pin cushion!

I wonder if they did the needlepoint also. . .

I am also a sucker for these old Jello molds - so handy for keeping little goodies at hand! By the way. . . thanks to everyone who has left some comments! It is so sweet to read them and it does encourage me to keep writing!


  1. What a great find with the bingo set! My local thrift is only so-so with truly vintage finds. But it is great when you can catch them. Maybe I'll post my finds---I went out yesterday and found a thing or two. Take Care!

  2. I Love the Bingo find too - great fun thrifting isn't it!


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