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The Year of Being Visible - The 26th Annual Juried Show at the Athenaeum

 I'm not sure I have talked about the quirky annual resolution "thing" that I do. Last year, 2016, it was, The Year of the Body. I  t ook it to heart, got a new tattoo, changed my lifestyle including my diet, began a lovely yoga practice, and scheduled monthly massages. I generally focused on taking care of myself in a way that was radically different than before. And, along came December, precursor to 2017. I am sitting at Brockton Villa with my sweet friend Susan Wells . The fire is going, it's raining outside so we are cozy and warm. We are chatting about our friendship, what we want to do in the coming new year. And I blurt out, "I think this will be the year of being visible". What? Where did that come from? Nothing makes me more uncomfortable than being visible. I wasn't sure what I meant, or how this would manifest. I was already posting on instagram a lot, and facebook sometimes. I have this blog. But how visible am I, really. ...

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